by Brynja | Dec 6, 2022 | News
A news article from For all the hype that AR, VR, and MR receive, particularly regarding their applications in the metaverse, rarely is an ear lent to the “other” part of the equation, the sonic experience. Amongst those addressing this missing piece of the...
by Brynja | Dec 6, 2022 | Fréttalisti, Fréttir
Sprotafyrirtækið Treble Technologies, sem þróar tækni til hljóðhönnunar, hefur safnað 8 milljónum evra sem nemur jafnvirði 1,2 milljörðum króna. Þar af koma 5,5 milljónir evra frá fjárfestum og 2,5 milljónir evra er styrkur frá Evrópska nýsköpunarráðinu (European...
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